Telephonic Health and Stress Coachiing

Let’s face it; making lifestyle changes and improvements can be difficult.  The challenges in making lifestyle changes are usually not due to a lack of information.  In today’s day and age we have an information overload.  With a few clicks of the mouse we can literally find information on just about any subject matter.

When it comes to managing health and stress risks there is no shortage of information available. Sometimes however, we need more than information.  We need a coach to help us identify our individual strengths who then empowers us to focus on lifestyle changes that  the individual wants to – and can – change!

Health coaching – especially when preceded by a health risk stress risk assessments - is a proven way to reduce health claims, workers' compensation claims, and absenteeism due to illness and disability. SOAR’s Health and Stress Coaching is a win-win solution for individual and companies

Individuals are more likely to make lifestyle changes and stay on track with their health goals – whether it's to lose weight, get fit, or quit smoking - when a health coach is involved.

Employers enjoy the benefits of healthier employees and lower illness-related costs, which translate into a positive economic return on your worksite wellness investment.

Our coaches develop personal wellness plans based on data gathered in Health Risk Assessment © and Stress Profile © customized to the individual to address specific needs.