Your Complete Resource for Corporate and Work-site Wellness


What is the future of health care?

With so many questions about our changing healthcare system, one thing is for certain. Chronic disease is on the rise! By 2030, the number of Americans suffering with chronic conditions will increase by 37% and affect a 171 million people"

Health Care Costs Are Rising

Most of the deadly and expensive medical problems we face as a society today can be attributed to changeable behaviors and personal lifestyles.

The Effects Of Stress

75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.

What Are The Labor Costs of Depression?

People who suffer from sadness, depression or mental illness on average miss 25.6 days of work per year and are 10% less productive while on the job!

Annual Cost of Diabetes

People with diagnosed diabetes incur average medical expenditures of about $13,700 per year, of which about $7,900 is attributed to diabetes.

The Heavy Price of Obesity

Research by Duke University found that the cost to employers of obesity among full-time employees was $73.1 billion a year.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

How do we slow the pace of rising health care costs? The answer is change behaviors and lifestyles!

Our Three Step Approach

1. Awareness 2. Education 3. Accountability Are essential to lifestyle and behavior modification.

Your Handpicked Wellness Program

We do not believe "one size fits all". We individually customize our programs to meet the unique needs of our clients. You could call it, "Your Hand Picked Wellness Program"
  • With so many questions about our changing healthcare system, one thing is for certain.  Chronic disease is on the rise!   By 2030, the number of Americans suffering with chronic conditions will increase by 37% and affect a 171 million people"
  • Most of the deadly and expensive medical problems we face as a society today can be attributed to changeable behaviors and personal lifestyles.
  • 75% to 90% of all doctor's office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints.
  • People who suffer from sadness, depression or mental illness on average miss 25.6 days of work per year and are 10% less productive while on the job!
  • People with diagnosed diabetes incur average medical expenditures of about $13,700 per year, of which about $7,900 is attributed to diabetes.
  •  Research by Duke University found that the cost to employers of obesity among full-time employees was $73.1 billion a year.
  • How do we slow the pace of rising health care costs?  The answer is change behaviors and lifestyles!
  • 1. Awareness
2. Education
3. Accountability 
Are essential to lifestyle and behavior modification.
  • We do not believe "one size fits all".  We individually customize our programs to meet the unique needs of our clients.

You could call it, "Your Hand Picked Wellness Program"

Our Comprehensive Corporate and Worksite Wellness program approaches healthcare proactively and from a "Risk Management" perspective.

Our primary objective is to improve our client's bottom lines by identifying and then controlling or eliminating health risks leading to absenteeism, excess medical costs, lost productivity and decreased performance.

As our name implies, we See Opportunities and Achieve Results.

We are confident our Comprehensive Wellness Program can help improve the overall health of any organization.

To request a free consultation and review of the potential costs associated with health risks with in your group please call:

Corporate Offices (208)-557-9407



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